Palast in Shanghai / Palace in Shanghai
In letzter Zeit war ich ziemlich faul und habe nicht gepostet. Ich habe das schöne Wetter genutzt und war mit Hund und Familie eigentlich permanent an der frischen Luft. Als Entschädigung habe ich heute ein paar Bilder aus China für Euch - genauer gesagt vom Sommerpalast bei Shanghai. Ich hoffe, sie gefallen Euch - über Kommentare freue ich mich immer.
I have been quite lazy the last days. I made some use of the good weather we had here and spent the days with my dog and my family enjoying fresh air. As compensation I will now show you some pictures from China - more precisely from the summerpalace nearby Shanghai. I hope you'll enjoy - comments are always welcome.
I have been quite lazy the last days. I made some use of the good weather we had here and spent the days with my dog and my family enjoying fresh air. As compensation I will now show you some pictures from China - more precisely from the summerpalace nearby Shanghai. I hope you'll enjoy - comments are always welcome.
Sehr schöne Bilder. Lg