Porträts in der Sonne / Portraits in the sun
Auch wenn tagsüber die Sonne schon herrlich lacht, wird es morgens und abends noch empfindlich kalt. Uns Fotografen hält das allerdings nicht davon ab, unserer Sucht zu frönen. Ich wünsche Euch viel Spaß mit diesen Porträts. Wer mehr sehen will, schaut auf meiner Seite vorbei: www.canicafotografie.de
Even though the sun is shining very nicely during the day it is still quite chilly in the early mornings and evenings. We - the photographers - can't not be stopped from wallowing in vice. Have fun with these portraits. Who wants to see more than that, visit my homepage: www.canicafotografie.de
Even though the sun is shining very nicely during the day it is still quite chilly in the early mornings and evenings. We - the photographers - can't not be stopped from wallowing in vice. Have fun with these portraits. Who wants to see more than that, visit my homepage: www.canicafotografie.de
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