Dinge für nächsten Sonntag / Things for next sunday
Gerade habe ich eine wunderschöne Postkarte gesehen, es war nicht das Motiv, es war der Text, der mich fasziniert hat - Dinge, die man an einem gemütlichen Sonntag einfach mal tun sollte. Dabei waren so Sachen wie Tagträumen / die Comicsammlung sortieren / schlafen, bis es nicht mehr geht / Sonne genießen, die durch ein Kirchenfenster fällt / zusammen frühstücken und alle haben Zeit / Tatort gucken / über einen Friedhof streifen / vormittags mit der leeren Straßenbahn fahren / Buttercremetorte ohne schlechtes Gewissen essen / Zeit für Langeweile haben / Schaufensterbummeln ohne Geld auszugeben / sich fein rausputzen und ins Konzerthaus zur Matinee gehen / Sonntagsfahrerin sein. Gebt es zu, bei dem einen oder anderen habt Ihr auch gerade Lust bekommen. Wollen wir uns einfach mal auf den nächsten Sonntag freuen? Canica
Just now I saw a beautiful postcard, it wasn't the picture, it was the written stuff that fascinated me - things one should do on a cozy sunday. There were things like daydreaming / to sort the comic collection / sleeping till you can't sleep anymore / enjoying the sun, falling through the window of a church / having breakfast together and having all the time in the world / watching the Tatort / to bat around a cemetery / to drive in an empty streetcar early in the morning / eat butter-cream cake without remorse / to have time for boredom / window-shopping without spending money / to dress up and visit a matinée in concert hall / be a sunday driver. You have to admit, there were one or two things you suddenly felt like doing. Shall we simply look forward to next sunday? Canica
Just now I saw a beautiful postcard, it wasn't the picture, it was the written stuff that fascinated me - things one should do on a cozy sunday. There were things like daydreaming / to sort the comic collection / sleeping till you can't sleep anymore / enjoying the sun, falling through the window of a church / having breakfast together and having all the time in the world / watching the Tatort / to bat around a cemetery / to drive in an empty streetcar early in the morning / eat butter-cream cake without remorse / to have time for boredom / window-shopping without spending money / to dress up and visit a matinée in concert hall / be a sunday driver. You have to admit, there were one or two things you suddenly felt like doing. Shall we simply look forward to next sunday? Canica
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