Ein Neubeginn... / A new start...
Nun ist es also soweit - auch ich reihe mich ein in die Gruppe der Blogger. Geschrieben habe ich schon immer. Bereits als Kind habe ich Geschichten verfasst und mich in ferne Welten geträumt. Groß geworden bin ich, geblieben ist meine blühende Fantasie. Dazu kam eine irre Reiselust, der Hang zu sämtlichem Grünzeug und unglaublicher Spaß am Fotografieren. Das alles möchte ich mit Euch teilen. Ich bin mir sicher, wir werden eine Menge Spaß miteinander haben. Canica
Finally time has come - I line up with the group of bloggers. I always liked writing. Already as a child I wrote stories and dreamed myself into different worlds. I grew up, but wanton Imagination stayed. It was added by wanderlust, love of green stuff and an incredible pleasure in taking pictures. All these things I'd like to share with you. I'm sure, we will have a lot of fun together. Canica
Finally time has come - I line up with the group of bloggers. I always liked writing. Already as a child I wrote stories and dreamed myself into different worlds. I grew up, but wanton Imagination stayed. It was added by wanderlust, love of green stuff and an incredible pleasure in taking pictures. All these things I'd like to share with you. I'm sure, we will have a lot of fun together. Canica
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